Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cinder by Marissa Meyer Review

I give this book a thumbs up. It was really good. I love the take on Cinderella being a cyborg.There was so many parts in the book that had me almost crying, then there were parts in the book that made me want to jump inside and punch the person... hint hint step mother. I need Prince Kai and Cinder to be together after all the series is done or I am going to have a huge book hangover and its going to be horrible.

The step mom (legal guardian) though... OH MY GOD! She is an awful person for the things that she does throughout the book, I can not even comprehend how someone could be so cruel.

Prince Kai, I love him. He is awesome for a prince. He is not stuck up and hopefully he does not forget about Cinder because I will be really sad. I cant wait to read scarlet to continue the story, I just have to wait until this weekend.

Peony, Cinders other step sister the one she got along with was so sweet and it sucks what happened to her, why could it not be Pearl, she was the worst out of both sisters. I wouldn't have missed her.

Iko. Her personality was great. I love that she was different and had a personality of a human being. I do not love what happens to Iko, it is one of the worst things that happened in the book. She never did anything wrong, so I don't think she deserved what happened to her.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Cinder by Marissa Meyer and How I am going to review.

Im going to be reading Cinder by Marissa Meyer soon, might take me a little bit to get a review up because school finals are killer, but i will try my best to put it up as soon as possible. I think to review a book i will give it an up, down or in the middle thumb and i will explain why. I will also try to post either one review where part of it is no spoilers and the other part is spoilers; i might just post two different reviews where one is no spoilers and the other one with spoilers, not sure about that yet.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Book.

I'll explain how i fell in love with reading. 14 year old me was not a fan of reading and we walked by Chapters. My step sister loved reading and she wanted to look around. I found a book by Charlaine Harris, it was Dead Until Dark the first in the Sookie Stackhouse series (I eventually bought the whole series). I read about 60 pages and ended up putting it down for a whole year. I then picked it up the year after and could not put it down, i read it in 3 days. After that i was hooked and could not, would not stop reading.

A Little Bit About Me.

My name is Jessica, i am not great at writing about me's. I've been reading since i was 15. I am in university currently and i love reading. I am 21 years old and i am either reading or listening to music, mostly both at the same time. I read Young Adult and Historical Romance mostly some different genres too such as paranormal and some erotic books but im very fussy with them, it cannot just be sex all the time.