Sunday, February 22, 2015

Evertrue by Brodi Ashton **might have spoilers**

Rating:  Two thumbs up

This series saved itself in this last book, but I did not like the ending. My poor over 900 year old Cole.

So after the second book Nikki came up with the "great" idea to destroy the Everneath without thinking about the consequences it would have on the rest of the Everlivings and it had a big effect on the everliving especially the older ones.

This book was really good. I liked it a lot and I did not cry or get sad before the ending of the book.

Jack ended up becoming some kind of Hercules. He was taller and stronger than ever although his temper was not the greatest because it was ten times worse.

Cole, my great Cole. He loses his memory  throughout the story and then starts to get it back when they are in the Everneath. Cole is honestly my favorite character he is great and he can be so selfless when he does something for the person he loves and he makes a very big sacrifice for Nikki.

Nikki is so absorbed with destroying the Everneath that she does not think of the consequences it will have. Nikki was tricked into becoming an everliving by Cole and by doing this Cole held her heart, which makes him control her life kind of.   Nikki believed that once the Everneath was destroyed that all the everlivings will become mortal and human, but I will just let you believe that for now.... but that is not how it ends.

I do not want to give too much away so I cannot really say much about the stories, but Will, Jack's brother comes to help in the plan of destroying the Everneath. This book was really good, but I am sad to see what happened for the ending because in a way it was not what I had hoped for, but in the back of my mind I knew something like this was going to happen because people cannot live forever.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Everbound by Brodi Ashton *Mild Spoilers*

Rating:  Thumbs up

Blurb: Nikki Beckett could only watch as her boyfriend, Jack, sacrificed himself to save her, taking her place in the Tunnels of the Everneath for eternity — a debt that should’ve been hers. She’s living a borrowed life, and she doesn’t know what to do with the guilt. And every night Jack appears in her dreams, lost and confused and wasting away.Desperate for answers, Nikki turns to Cole, the immortal bad boy who wants to make her his queen — and the one person least likely to help. But his heart has been touched by everything about Nikki, and he agrees to assist her in the only way he can: by taking her to the Everneath himself.

This book was good, but I think I was more interested in the first book. This book was mostly about finding Jack and while I am all for finding Jack I really did not want him in the story. I was rooting for Cole. I seem to always root for the bad guy, even after the twist of this book at the end. It also took me a while to finish the book because of school which was really sad because I missed reading a lot.

Nikki Beckett stuck between two guys that are complete opposites and it seems as if she likes the good guy better, which is very sad because bad guys are a lot more fun well in books anyways :P 

Jack is the good sweet boy that everyone loves and always wants to win. He wants to be with Nikki but when Nikki returns from the Everneath she does not want anything to do with him if she is going to disappear again, but he works his way back into her heart.

Cole is the immortal bad boy. He is in a band and he is an Everling looking for a mate so he can rule the Everneath. He has found his mate, but she is in love with another guy, so when he tries to win his way back into her heart by helping her throughout the book to save Jack.

This book was good, but it lost its interest for me I was always hoping for something to happen between Cole and Nikki when they were in the Everneath. This book was mostly about Saving Jack which got kind of boring half way through so I guess I tried to avoid it, but I knew I had to finish reading it because there is the third and final book. 

So this book is good for all the Jack shippers:P You guys would probably enjoy the second book a lot more, but you would not enjoy the end twist.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey the movie

Rating: two thumbs up
Length: 125 minutes
Recommendation: go see it :)

I do not usually review movies, but i went and watched Fifty Shades of Grey last night and it was really good and i had really high expectations. Jamie Dornana made a very good Christian and i thought that Dakota Johnson was very good as Anastasia.

My favorite parts of the movie were when Christian came out in his jeans that he plays in. Yes Christian and the jeans were one of the things i was looking forward to seeing.
There was also the hardware store scene which i loved how it was portrayed it was great.
Another great but awkward scene when Christians mom shows up randomly it was very funny.

I found myself laughing a lot which was good.

The music was put into all the right places and it helped everything move along smoothly.

I dont think there were any parts of the movie that i hated.. maybe the end only because i knew what Christian was doing was going to screw things up.. but it was good and i am very excited for the second movie.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


This is just a quick post saying that I am not reading as fast because it is my exam time and study time. I miss reading, I have Everbound right beside my bed and I can barely read it because i have homework and exams and it sucks :( so this is just to say that I will finish my exams and then I will post more reviews so please be patient.