Sunday, July 26, 2015

Rock Chick Revolution by Kristen Ashley

 Ally Nightingale has secrets. Secrets she doesn't even share with the Rock Chicks. But two men know what she's up to. One has her back. The other has her heart, but he doesn't know it.

As Ally rewinds the last year of her life, she knows two things. One, she’s never going to get what every Rock Chick should have—her own Hot Bunch guy. And two, she’s a Nightingale through and through. She just isn’t sure what to do about that.

But as her secrets are revealed, the men in her life react. Darius Tucker, a lifelong friend, as usual takes her back. Ren Zano, the man she loves, isn’t quite so sure. The Rock Chicks, Hot Bunch and the entire gang at Fortnum’s weigh in, and a Rock Chick Revolution starts brewing.

It’s up to Ally to control it and prove what she knows down to her bones.
She’s a Rock Chick, she deserves her hot guy and she’s going to keep the one she wants…
Because she’s a Nightingale.
Rating: ★★★★★

Genre: Romance, Contemporary Romance, Funny, Adult


This is the last book in the series and I am so sad to see the series finish, but it was well worth the read. Ally and Ren are perfect for each other. Honestly, I did not think that Ally would end up with Ren, but it works and I am happy that it did because everybody was getting their happy ending except for Ally. I would have been upset if Ally did not get her own book, but she  did and I am a happy camper.

Ally and Ren have been on and off and it was kept a secret from the other Rock Chicks for a while which, was sad because they share everything with Ally. Ally is more secretive and does not open up easily. Ren has to try to figure out how to get into Ally’s heart without his being broken. Lucky he figures that out and they have some difficulties... mostly ups that is even better.

Not everyone is happy about Ren and Ally being together... mostly her brothers because they are over protective and do not want Ally getting involved in Ren’s family business. They get around to it though because they see that Ren is it for her and her for him.

Ally also looks into getting a different type of Job, which her brothers are not thrilled about and it is not a surprise that she wants to go into that since she has been doing it through all the books

Even Darius gets a happy ending that may be a spoiler so I am sorry about that, but I did not want you guys thinking that it was a horrible ending for him. It is a twist yes, but a good twist.

This book was overall very good as was the series and I would recommend it a billion times to anyone that likes witty and strong women and very protective men, but also very sweet.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Rock Chick Regret by Kristen Ashely

Synopsis: Sadie Townsend is known by all as The Ice Princess and she’s worked hard to earn her reputation. Her father, a now-incarcerated Drug Lord, has kept her under his thumb her whole life and she’s learned enough from living in his world to give everyone the cold shoulder. But one inebriated night, she shows the Real Sadie to the undercover agent she knows is investigating her father, the handsome Hector Chavez, and he knows he’ll stop at nothing to have her.

Hector makes one (huge) mistake; he waits for Sadie to come to him. Tragedy strikes and Sadie’s got a choice, she can retreat behind her Ice Fortress or she can embrace the Rock Chick/Hot Bunch World. Guided by Hector, the Rock Chicks, the Hot Bunch and her new gay roommates, Buddy and Ralphie, Sadie negotiates a life out from under her father’s thumb, a life that includes poison, arson and learning how to make s’mores.

Genres: Contemporary Romance, Humor, Adult

Rating: ★★★ 

Review: Sadie... Sadie. She got on my nerves quite a bit. I understand that she was hurt and the ice princess, but she annoyed me so much. I felt sorry for Hector because he had to deal with her getting close then pulling away. Sadie also annoyed me with the Rock Chicks because they do nothing but try to let her in and she blows them off or ignores them and nobody should be that mean. Yes, I understand that the Ice princess was her way of coping and she is used to that persona, but after a while, it was time to drop it.

Sadie tries hard to be the ice princess because of her father that is the way she deals with things. She meets Hector during an investigation that was happening on her father and things become heated with them, but she runs away because she gets scared.

Throughout the book I have no clue how many Sadies you meet all I know is she needs to become one Sadie all together because the multiple personalities is a pain in the ass. I personally liked when she was Hectors Sadie because she was not trying to hide anything from Hector, so it made life easier when she was normal Sadie.

The sex in the book is pretty awesome, steamy and perfect between Hector and Sadie because she was the perfect girl, he was the more gritty man whom had a couple rough edges, and they complimented each other so well.

Hector had to deal with a lot when it came to Sadie I am not going to spoil it for you, but some shitty things happen to Sadie throughout the book, which is horrible for both of them because they have enough to work through. They work through their problems though and they come out stronger than ever.

This book is good, but out of the series I have read better and she really pushed my buttons, I felt sorry for Hector throughout the book. I kept wondering if he knew what he was getting into, but the book turned out okay, would I re-read that book... probably not.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Rock Chick Reckoning by Kristen Ashley

Synopsis: Stella’s the lead singer and lead guitarist of The Blue Moon Gypsies and Stella used to be Mace’s girl. Mace broke up with her, though, and the loss of him rocked her world. But Stella gets a call, late at night (again) from one of the members of her crazy band. She has to go play clean up (again) and runs into Mace and a shed load of police, and ends up getting shot.

Mace finds he doesn’t like it much that his ex-girlfriend got shot right in front of him but it’s worse. A very bad man has thrown down the gauntlet and all the Rock Chicks are in the firing line. Stella doesn’t want Mace to be the one to keep her alive, but she has no choice. Mainly because Mace isn’t giving her one.

Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance, Humor

This book was good and interesting mind you I am kind of getting tired of all the women being in trouble for relationships to start. I understand that is how the guy and girl meet, but why can it not be the guy getting in trouble for one book. There girls are always the ones that need help and protection. I really am hoping for Allys book that she does not need protecting. A little change would be great.

This book was good, but I was a little annoyed with Stella because she kept trying to get away from Mace and kept trying to push him away. I do not understand how these girls work. They are handsome men and yes a little pushy, but if they want you then you accept and be happy. I am starting to sound like Shirleen. There are too many reasons that Stella makes up to not be with Mace, but he does not listen. What Mace wants, Mace gets and he always wins.

Maces father is an ass, in the end, he redeems himself kind of, but he is still an ass. Mace has some demons that he has to work through and the only person that can help is Stella, but she has to stick up to her band and tell them to deal with their own problems. She needs to focus on the music and on Mace because those are the two things that are going to keep her sane and safe.

This series has two books left and it is slowly ending. In a way, I will be happy not to have to deal with shooting and attacks, but in another way, I am going to miss the Rock Chicks and the Hot Bunch. It is worth the read though all eight books and I highly recommend them to people that like funny, stubborn and independent women and men that are protective, caring and rough at the same time.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Rock Chick Revenge by Kristen Ashley

Rating: ★★★★

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Humour, Adult

Ava does not like men and she has vowed to never get involved with another man again because of her best friends husband. Ava has known Luke since childhood and she has always had a crush on him. She wants to ask Luke to help her, but she changes her mind at the last second. She was too late though and Luke saw her and knows that she is hiding something because he has seen it with all the other Rock chicks. There is a battle between both of them because Ava does not want to give in to Luke, but the hot bunch does not give up easily.

 This book was good, but not as good as Jules and Vance’s story. This story is funny and it is great how Ava tries to avoid Luke so much even though deep down she wanted to be with him since childhood. Ava put distance between her and Luke after his father died because of the people around her. 

Luke is amazing and sweet and he really cares for Ava. There is a part in the book, which involves Ava’s sisters and mother where Luke tells them off and it is hilarious. Luke does not take any shit for Ava and he is brutally honest which is refreshing because Ava cannot be brutally honest.

They complement each other perfectly and they make a good couple as do all the other rock chick couples. This series is getting better and better and it will be sad to see it go. The next book is about Mace and I am super excited for Mace’s story because he is serious and I would love to see him in a lovey phase.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Rock Chick Renegade by Kristen Ashely

Rating: ★★★★★ 

Genre: Romantic, Adult, Contemporary Romance

Jules is a social worker that has made it her goal to get rid of all the drug dealers in Denver and while doing that she gets into some dangerous situations. When she stops in front of Fortnum’s and shoots at someone Vance gets involved. Jules is also known as Law because what she says is law, but she will have to  make room for another person that is about to take over her life.

Vance wants to protect Jules in any way possible because he wants to keep her around and he works with Nightingale investigations which means he has all the help from the “ hot bunch” there. 
Vance wants Jules and usually what the guys in Denver want they get, with some problems yes, but they still get them.

This book was great, there were some tear jerker moments the book was great I think it was my favorite out of the bunch. I love Vance and Jules they are perfect for each other.  It took Vance a while to wear Jules down, but when she figured out where home was she knew that it was time to let him in.

The book was well written and very funny, the rock chicks are getting bigger and I do not think they will stop until they have helped all the people that walk into Fortnum’s it is becoming a safe place. Fortnum’s is great because everybody feels at home there and the story usually starts either at Fortnum’s or near it. I love that all the girls are still in the books every time. It is a series that keeps everyone involved and it is a family. I am going to be sad to see it finish once I get to the last book, but it is a good series to read because there is never a dull moment. No couple I have read about has been boring, and there is always something new happening.