Monday, July 6, 2015

Rock Chick Renegade by Kristen Ashely

Rating: ★★★★★ 

Genre: Romantic, Adult, Contemporary Romance

Jules is a social worker that has made it her goal to get rid of all the drug dealers in Denver and while doing that she gets into some dangerous situations. When she stops in front of Fortnum’s and shoots at someone Vance gets involved. Jules is also known as Law because what she says is law, but she will have to  make room for another person that is about to take over her life.

Vance wants to protect Jules in any way possible because he wants to keep her around and he works with Nightingale investigations which means he has all the help from the “ hot bunch” there. 
Vance wants Jules and usually what the guys in Denver want they get, with some problems yes, but they still get them.

This book was great, there were some tear jerker moments the book was great I think it was my favorite out of the bunch. I love Vance and Jules they are perfect for each other.  It took Vance a while to wear Jules down, but when she figured out where home was she knew that it was time to let him in.

The book was well written and very funny, the rock chicks are getting bigger and I do not think they will stop until they have helped all the people that walk into Fortnum’s it is becoming a safe place. Fortnum’s is great because everybody feels at home there and the story usually starts either at Fortnum’s or near it. I love that all the girls are still in the books every time. It is a series that keeps everyone involved and it is a family. I am going to be sad to see it finish once I get to the last book, but it is a good series to read because there is never a dull moment. No couple I have read about has been boring, and there is always something new happening.

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