Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Everneath by Brodi Ashton

Rating: Thumbs up!

Blurb: Last spring, Nikki Beckett vanished, sucked into an underworld known as the Everneath. Now she’s returned—to her old life, her family, her boyfriend—before she’s banished back to the underworld . . . this time forever. She has six months before the Everneath comes to claim her, six months for good-byes she can’t find the words for, six months to find redemption, if it exists.

I was not sure who I liked best out of the Jack and Cole. Cole is the guy that Nikki spent one hundred years with. He is dark and mysterious and  he seems like he genuinely cares about Nikki even though he supposedly has no feelings. I like Cole because even though he comes from the Everneath and is trying to get Nikki back down there as his queen, he does not really force her to go.
Jack is the sweet boy she fell in love with in high school before the feed, he is cute and nice and very selfless (you'll understand why near the end of the book).

Nikki disappears and while she is gone Jack suffers without her, he searches for her, but he is broken and the one to pick up the pieces was Nikki's best friend Jules. At first I was not sure about Jules, because she has had a crush on Jack for a while, so Nikki is gone she could have made her move, but Jack never forgot about Nikki. 

I get why Nikki would want to come back to say goodbye to everyone and to not leave them wondering what happened, but I do not understand why she would want to drag her family and friends and Jack through that a second time, it was kind of an awful thing to do.

This book was really interesting and I am glad I bought the series. I am very excited to see what happens in the second book, I hear there is suppose to be a bargain that happens... hmmm I am very curious. Overall the book was good and I only had to put it down because of school work, or else I would have finished it in one day or two I am sure. It was good and sweet, sometimes it was sad, but there was always a bright side, sometimes it was just plain sad, but I would recommend it to anyone that like YA and myths all together.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Rowdy by Jay Crownover (contains small spoilers)

Rating: Thumbs up
Description:  After the only girl he ever loved told him that he would never be enough, Rowdy St. James knocked the Texas dust off his boots and set out to live up to his nickname. Rowdy refuses to take anything too seriously, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. Burned by love once, he isn’t going to let himself trust a woman again. But that’s before his new co-worker arrives, a ghost from the past who’s suddenly making him question every lesson he ever learned.But one nice thing from childhood has stayed with her; the memory of the sweet, blue-eyed boy next door who’d been head over heels in love with her little sister.Now, fate and an old friend have brought her and Rowdy together, and Salem is determined to show him that once upon a time he picked the wrong sister. A mission that is working perfectly—until the one person that ties them together appears, threatening to tear them apart for good.

So this book was not as interesting as I expected, but it was still good; it just was not as good as the other ones.

Salem grew up in Loveless with her father that thought his word was law. He also believed that his children were suppose to obey or there would be consequences. Her father lost it a little because that is not a way to treat your children.
Her mother was no better because she allowed all of it to happen and this caused Salem to leave Loveless and basically become a gypsy, never putting roots down,that is until she gets a call from Nash about a job.

Rowdy is the sweet boy that Salem knew when they were children, but he has grown up now and has his family and friends that surround them. Rowdy went through some things when he was a child, his mother passed away and he was put into foster care, which is how he met Salem and Poppy. Rowdy fell in love with the wrong Cruz sister when he was younger, but he falls in love with the right sister this time.

Poppy is Salem's sister and she stayed in Loveless because she was the proper sister and she was the only one that listened to her father even if she never wanted to. She married someone her parents approved of and that was the worst thing she could do. Her husband was crazy and took his anger out on Poppy. 

Rowdy and Salem have a little back and fourth throughout the relationship, but I thought that it was not as interesting as the other guys stories.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Nash by Jay Crownover

Rating: Three thumbs up

Description: Will their past determine their future? 
Saint Ford has worked hard to achieve her childhood dream of becoming of nurse. Focused on her work and devoted to her patients, there’s no room for love. She doesn’t need a guy making waves in her calm, serene life—especially when he’s the unforgettable hottie who nearly destroyed her in high school. Dark, brooding Nash Donovan might not remember her or the terrible pain he caused. But he turned her world upside down... and now he’s trying to do it again.Saint has no idea that Nash isn’t the cocky player he once was. Uncovering a devastating family secret has rocked his world, and now he’s struggling to figure out his future. He can’t be distracted by the pretty nurse he seems to meet everywhere. Still, he can’t ignore the sparks that fly between them —or how she seems so desperate to get away from him. But the funny, sweet, and drop-dead gorgeous Saint is far too amazing to give up on—especially since she’s the only thing in his life that seems to make sense.When Nash discovers the truth about their past, he realizes he may have lost her heart before he could even fight for it. Now, Saint has to decide: is Nash worth risking herself for all over again?

 Oh Nash  how I love Thee. Nash is amazing alone, but put Nash and Saint together and they are explosive.  I think this couple is my second favorite after Rome and Cora.

Lets start with Saint. She does not really like Nash at first, nor can she really stand him because she believes he said awful things about her back in high school. She needs to get on that Nash boat and fast. Saint is shy and quiet and is not really confident in herself. She has a really big heart and will take care of everyone around her. She is a nurse and that is her dream job and her job is her life... until she sees Nash again, then into the rabbit hole she goes. Every thing she thought she knew about Nash is the complete opposite and she has to learn that high school Nash is not the same as grown up Nash. 

Nash's childhood was not the greatest. His step father was an ass.. pardon my language and always blamed Nash for everything. His mother was no better, I swear if I could see all the mothers in this book they would get a mouthful from me because the guys are just great. His mother is a monster, she was never cut out to be a mother and that showed a lot with the way she treated Nash.  Nash is the great main character that was raised by Phil his uncle. He grew up to be a tattoo artist and to work in his uncles shop The Marked. 

Phil has been hiding some very big things from Nash and they change everything for the relationship that Nash and Phil have. 

This book is really great. I am pretty sure I have said that about all of the books in this series, but they are really amazingly written and I have troubles putting them down. So get on that Wagon and start reading them because they are kind of to die for. It is always something new in each story, they always have a past which either kind of sucks or does not exist, but they usually know each other. Props to Jay Crownover who never makes these books boring and always making me want to punch the mothers that suck... not that I would punch all mothers, just them. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Rome by Jay Crownover

Rating: two huge thumbs up
Blurb: Fun and fearless, Cora Lewis knows how to keep her tattooed "bad boy" friends at the Marked in line. But beneath all that flash and sass is a broken heart. Cora won't let herself get burned again. She's waiting to fall in love with the perfect man—a baggage-free, drama-free guy ready for commitment. Then she meets Rome Archer.
Rome Archer is as far from perfect as a man can be. He's stubborn, rigid, and bossy. And he's returned from his final tour of duty more than a little broken. Rome's used to filling many roles: big brother, doting son, super-soldier—but none of those fit anymore. Now he's just a man trying to figure out what to do with the rest of his life while keeping the dark demons of war and loss at bay. He would have been glad to suffer through it alone, until Cora comes sweeping into his life and becomes a blinding flash of color in a sea of gray.Perfect may not be in the cards, but perfectly imperfect could just last forever

This series just keeps getting better and better. I think this is my favorite story so far. Cora and Rome .. ugh.. I can't even get started. It was a perfect story. I love series' like this because it is one book per person and you get to know the people really well because they do not disappear after one book, they are always around. 

Cora is a spunky and tough person. I love her personality she is small, but she is perfectly capable of taking care of herself and her family. She is also really great at putting the men in their places if they are being stupid.  So she may have not been prepared for Rome at first and it does take a little time for her to get use to the idea that imperfect is perfect for her, but it does not take her forever which I am thankful for.

Rome just got out of the army and he has some troubles that he needs to muddle through, at first it was drinking... a lot of drinking and then Cora happened and that all changed slowly. I was extremely happy to see that even though Rome was being "Captain No-Fun" that his family and friends all still loved him and that they kept trying to help him.

 Rome runs into a little trouble throughout the book *coughs* he might get hurt *cough*
but he makes it through.

There is not much more I can say without it becoming spoiler filled and I would rather you read the series because it will be worth the time, Tattooed guys that are protective and sweet and tough ... yes please.  

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Does anyone have any recommendations for books. I read mostly YA , NA, Romance, Shifter books. Is there anything you guys would like to see reviewed on this blog? Just leave a comment and i will read them and write a review.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jet by Jay Crownover

Warning: Pardon my language in advance, there might be minor spoilers

Rating: Two thumbs up

Blurb: With his tight leather pants and a sharp edge that makes him dangerous, Jet Keller is every girl’s rock and roll fantasy. But Ayden Cross is done walking on the wild side with bad boys. She doesn’t want to give in to the heat she sees in Jet’s dark, haunted eyes. She’s afraid of getting burned from the sparks of their spontaneous combustion, even as his touch sets her on fire.

Jet ugh... I cannot even get started on Jet, so we will just start with Ayden. She is one of the complicated women in this series. I am not going to say the only one because I am sure there are going to be more considering I still have a few books left to read for this series.
Ayden is sweet with a dark past that she tries to hide, which eventually catches up with her. She tries to change who she is and put on a new persona of her. Her family is not perfect, in fact they are kind of shitty.

Asa is her brother and you know how brothers are suppose to protect their younger sisters.. well not this guy. He uses her for his own purpose and then has the audacity to ask for help later. I still have a little sliver of hope that he will get better I am really hoping he will get better because Ayden needs a win.. well she already had a win and his name is Jet, but I cant spoil anything.

Ayden's mom is kind of... I would not say like Rule's mom  because Rule's mom eventually saw all the trouble she was causing in her family. Ayden's mom is selfish and does not care about any one but herself.

Now let us get to the main attraction. Jet! He is a tattooed rocker and he writes music for other bands. He is also in a metal band and he screams, but supposedly he sings very well too. Jet's family is not any better ( there is a pattern here with bad parents). 

His mom is kind of weak, I know that is not the right word, but why go back to the guy that puts you down physically and verbally especially when Jet is trying to a good kid by helping her.  That kind of made me mad, she did not see the flaws that her husband had and it really sucked having to read what Jet goes through with them.  She has someone that is willing to help her, but she would rather stay with an ass. 

His father I hate with every fiber of my being. He is the worst human being in this series so far. He always used Jet for favors because he was not ready to settle and act his actual age. He was so set in his ways that when he heard the word no he would threaten Jet with his mother. He is scum. I was really happy when Jet did something to him and I could not wait for him to disappear, but alas that is not how this book worked out.

There is starting to be a pattern in this book. The parents seem to suck. I have not read one book in this series where the parents were good and normal parents. I guess that is reality not everyone's parents are good, some are shitty parents and that is horrible for the children in that family. There is also another pattern. They are eventually able to get through their troubles because they have people around them to help them, and because they are grown up. It is reality eventually children are going to get tired with their parents bullshit and being treated horribly that they will make their own family with friends around them. I know I am ranting, but this is important to point out.

Anyways I will end this before it gets too long, which I am sure it already is. I highly recommend this book and the series, because there are sad parts,but there are also happy parts which balances everything out.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Rule by Jay Crownover

Rating: thumbs up
Description: Shaw has always loved Rule since she was thirteen. Rule is the complete opposite of what Shaw should want because they seem so different, but are they really all that different.

Shaw is a pre med student that is seen as an uptight person at first because of the way she acts in the first part of the book, but throughout the book she slowly starts to change  into a more relaxed. She becomes more true to herself.  Shaw was always seen as Remy's girl, but she has always been Rule's.

Rule is a tattoo artist and he is full of tattos and piercings. He is kind of blind when it comes to Shaw.  He also has the bad boy attitude and he does not really get along with his parents, just like Shaw. It took them a while to actually get together, but when they did I was really happy.

Shaw and Rule are pretty great together, they needed to get there stuff straight a couple times ans figure out how to be together without hurting eachother but in the end, they were pretty amazing.

I love meeting Rome. He is the oldest brother.  Remy is the twin of Rule. He is the opposite of Rule. He is calm and was not hard to handle and was in school. He also made Rule calm and it was very sad what happened to him.

Shaws family kind of sucks. They are blind and stupid. They are snobby and kept pushing a guy onto Shaw even if she did not want him. This guy you will hate with every fiber of your being. He sucks!

Rules family is broken and has been broken since Remy. The mother always blames Rule and she does not see him as her son, but as a monster which is really sad because nobody should be treated that way by there parents.

Overall this book was really good and I was really happy about how it ended... everything slowly starts to shift together. I recommend this book and i will probably recommend the whole series by the time I am done.... I have a weakneas for tattooed guys :)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Dead Ever After by Charlaine Harris

Rating: Thumbs down

Description: Sookie Stackhouse finds it easy to turn down the request of former barmaid Arlene when she wants her job back at Merlotte’s. After all, Arlene tried to have Sookie killed. But her relationship with Eric Northman is not so clearcut. He and his vampires are keeping their distance…and a cold silence. And when Sookie learns the reason why, she is devastated.Then a shocking murder rocks Bon Temps, and Sookie is arrested for the crime.But the evidence against Sookie is weak, and she makes bail. Investigating the killing, she’ll learn that what passes for truth in Bon Temps is only a convenient lie. What passes for justice is more spilled blood. And what passes for love is never enough

This is mainly going to be a ranting review, I am sorry in advance.

Even before I started reading this book, I was dreading the end, because I accidentally read a spoiler when it first came it.  After reading this spoiler it took me a long time to actually want to read it, because the spoiler I read was not at all how I wanted this series to end.

First of all this book was mostly about Arlene coming back and having to work for certain enemies  to get back at Sookie, I was expecting an ending for each important character. 

I was expecting Sookie to end up with Eric and that was my OTP in this series, from the second he was introduced. Sadly that is not how it ended and I was upset about that. I understand that the author needed to figure out a way to end the series, but with that guy really?!

 I was happy with everybody elses relationships, just not Sookie's and she is the main character so that is bad right?

Other than that the story was good, there was a lot more death in this book I find. 

I was really happy when Quinn came into the story for a little because I loved quinn, not as much as Eric or Alcide, but i still liked Quinn.

At the end of the story I really disliked Eric because he was an ass.

This series overall was good, but this last book....... no. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Tied by Emma Chase

 Rating: Two thumbs up

Blurb: This story is about the Marriage of Kate and Drew, and their bachelor and bachelorette parties. Drew goes through some tests to see if he is finally ready to commit to marriage and he passes with no problem... well maybe almost two problems but in the end it was worth it and he is ready to move on with his family and being able to call Kate Mrs. Evans. 

I am very happy that this was the ending for Kate and Drew. I also really like that there was not a hiccup, there were tiny hiccups, but not huge hiccups which would stop a wedding. I also really loved that all their friends were there, even Warren. You can see that Drew has grown up and matured since he lets Kate go to someplace where all bachelorette parties go. I think both Kate and Drew have both matured since the first book and I like that they have grown from who they were at the beginning.

This story would not be complete if Dee and Matthew were not in it, I was really glad to see that they were still the same and have not changed.

Even if this story was mostly about Kate and Drew, there were some parts where it was about Alexandra and Steven and their problems, of course there was a happy ending there. I am very happy about that because i did not want them to end up in divorce, because they did not deserve that.

Mackenzie is adorable and I really enjoyed seeing her older and how she handled the boy that was crushing on her, it was hilarious that part.

Little James was great, he definitely took after his father Drew and it was funny and cute especially with some words that he said.

The writing was good and I was really happy about the ending of this series. It is definitely worth the read, all the books are, even if they are sometimes frustrating. In the end its all worth it.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Tamed by Emma Chase

Rating: One thumbs up.

Blurb:  When Matthew meets Dee, he knows she is special. When Dee meets Matthew she thinks the worst of him and lumps him in with all the other bad men that she has dated. It will take some time for Matthew to convince Dee that he is worth the risk and when he does it will be all worth it.

Dee is seen as a flight risk. Ready to leave at any second if the ship starts to sink. Having relationships with her are hard and Matthew has to work for it. Dee is an eccentric and very interesting.

Matthew is the type of guy to know what he wants and he does not change his mind... well he does not change it if it is not for good reason.  He is also very sweet and not really a womanizer like Drew so that is a plus.

This story was good and I loved the writing because it still has the story telling feel to it.  I really did not like how long it took them to finally get there stuff together, after the first two books with Drew and Katie, I was thinking okay this one will be easy there will be no trouble... wrong! Dee is really scared of commitment so there is a lot of pushing away. After all the ups and downs i went to through with both of these characters, I thought I was part of this relationship, I was really not happy when Dee decides to be horrible and do something to Matthew, maybe his heart gets a little broken... just a little.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Destined for Doon By Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon

    After the first book Kenna decides to leave Doon and follow her dream of Broadway, but by doing this she leaves behind her true love. When she thinks she will never see him again, he shows up only to bring her back to Doon under orders because Doon is in need of her, but by saving Doon will she be able to still get her prince?

Rating: Two thumbs up!!! Highly recommended too.

This is the second book in the Doon series.  The feels from this book were insane, once i started this book i could not put it down. I love the way the authors put both Mackenna's and Veronica's POV.

Duncan, let me start here *sighs* Stubborn and pig headed. He is just like his brother Jamie when it comes to love. I wanted to just shove Duncan and Kenna in a room until they made up. Duncan is kind of worse because he let Kenna believe there was something brewing between Ana and him, which was kind of mean, but i guess it was a pay back of sorts. I have always liked both  boys but Duncan stole my heart, he was charming and sweet and a ladies man, but he was also very protective, so when Kenna threw that away all I could think was *raises my hand* I volunteer to be Duncan's, but luckily Kenna gets back onto my good side in the end and i am happy because they were my ship.

Mackenna is also just as stubborn as Duncan, I do not want to see their kids ... I love Kenna, but she can be so dense sometimes. Why leave Doon when it was perfect for her, in the end I am happy with the decision she makes.

Jamie and Veronica were really sweet together they had minor stumbles, but nothing they could not overcome and I liked that they even tried to help Duncan and Kenna get together because they needed that extra shove and many more.

Fiona and Fergus, I loved that even though they were not the main characters they still played a pretty big part in the book.  I liked that they were constantly in the book, they were not just there for a couple pages and then disappeared.

The ending of this book though... I  cannot even begin to explain nor would i want to because that would contain spoilers, but does the third book really have to come out in September, I need the book now  and I really need the Witch of Doon to disappear or die (... is that mean of me? ) she is getting in the way of happy endings and I need happy endings not book endings that make me cry, although it was not just the ending that made me cry... damn Duncan.