Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jet by Jay Crownover

Warning: Pardon my language in advance, there might be minor spoilers

Rating: Two thumbs up

Blurb: With his tight leather pants and a sharp edge that makes him dangerous, Jet Keller is every girl’s rock and roll fantasy. But Ayden Cross is done walking on the wild side with bad boys. She doesn’t want to give in to the heat she sees in Jet’s dark, haunted eyes. She’s afraid of getting burned from the sparks of their spontaneous combustion, even as his touch sets her on fire.

Jet ugh... I cannot even get started on Jet, so we will just start with Ayden. She is one of the complicated women in this series. I am not going to say the only one because I am sure there are going to be more considering I still have a few books left to read for this series.
Ayden is sweet with a dark past that she tries to hide, which eventually catches up with her. She tries to change who she is and put on a new persona of her. Her family is not perfect, in fact they are kind of shitty.

Asa is her brother and you know how brothers are suppose to protect their younger sisters.. well not this guy. He uses her for his own purpose and then has the audacity to ask for help later. I still have a little sliver of hope that he will get better I am really hoping he will get better because Ayden needs a win.. well she already had a win and his name is Jet, but I cant spoil anything.

Ayden's mom is kind of... I would not say like Rule's mom  because Rule's mom eventually saw all the trouble she was causing in her family. Ayden's mom is selfish and does not care about any one but herself.

Now let us get to the main attraction. Jet! He is a tattooed rocker and he writes music for other bands. He is also in a metal band and he screams, but supposedly he sings very well too. Jet's family is not any better ( there is a pattern here with bad parents). 

His mom is kind of weak, I know that is not the right word, but why go back to the guy that puts you down physically and verbally especially when Jet is trying to a good kid by helping her.  That kind of made me mad, she did not see the flaws that her husband had and it really sucked having to read what Jet goes through with them.  She has someone that is willing to help her, but she would rather stay with an ass. 

His father I hate with every fiber of my being. He is the worst human being in this series so far. He always used Jet for favors because he was not ready to settle and act his actual age. He was so set in his ways that when he heard the word no he would threaten Jet with his mother. He is scum. I was really happy when Jet did something to him and I could not wait for him to disappear, but alas that is not how this book worked out.

There is starting to be a pattern in this book. The parents seem to suck. I have not read one book in this series where the parents were good and normal parents. I guess that is reality not everyone's parents are good, some are shitty parents and that is horrible for the children in that family. There is also another pattern. They are eventually able to get through their troubles because they have people around them to help them, and because they are grown up. It is reality eventually children are going to get tired with their parents bullshit and being treated horribly that they will make their own family with friends around them. I know I am ranting, but this is important to point out.

Anyways I will end this before it gets too long, which I am sure it already is. I highly recommend this book and the series, because there are sad parts,but there are also happy parts which balances everything out.

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