Monday, January 5, 2015

Destined for Doon By Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon

    After the first book Kenna decides to leave Doon and follow her dream of Broadway, but by doing this she leaves behind her true love. When she thinks she will never see him again, he shows up only to bring her back to Doon under orders because Doon is in need of her, but by saving Doon will she be able to still get her prince?

Rating: Two thumbs up!!! Highly recommended too.

This is the second book in the Doon series.  The feels from this book were insane, once i started this book i could not put it down. I love the way the authors put both Mackenna's and Veronica's POV.

Duncan, let me start here *sighs* Stubborn and pig headed. He is just like his brother Jamie when it comes to love. I wanted to just shove Duncan and Kenna in a room until they made up. Duncan is kind of worse because he let Kenna believe there was something brewing between Ana and him, which was kind of mean, but i guess it was a pay back of sorts. I have always liked both  boys but Duncan stole my heart, he was charming and sweet and a ladies man, but he was also very protective, so when Kenna threw that away all I could think was *raises my hand* I volunteer to be Duncan's, but luckily Kenna gets back onto my good side in the end and i am happy because they were my ship.

Mackenna is also just as stubborn as Duncan, I do not want to see their kids ... I love Kenna, but she can be so dense sometimes. Why leave Doon when it was perfect for her, in the end I am happy with the decision she makes.

Jamie and Veronica were really sweet together they had minor stumbles, but nothing they could not overcome and I liked that they even tried to help Duncan and Kenna get together because they needed that extra shove and many more.

Fiona and Fergus, I loved that even though they were not the main characters they still played a pretty big part in the book.  I liked that they were constantly in the book, they were not just there for a couple pages and then disappeared.

The ending of this book though... I  cannot even begin to explain nor would i want to because that would contain spoilers, but does the third book really have to come out in September, I need the book now  and I really need the Witch of Doon to disappear or die (... is that mean of me? ) she is getting in the way of happy endings and I need happy endings not book endings that make me cry, although it was not just the ending that made me cry... damn Duncan.

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