Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Twisted by Emma Chase

Stupid Drew. He is so stupid. He assumed again. It makes an ass out of him. He is an idiot and he is really starting to get on my nerves.
Kate is not any better. She never specified anything and she never actually told him or explained it so im getting mad at this book.

I really need Kate and Drew together. They need to happen so this book needs to change its ways or the third book better get better because im going to throw something soon.
I am so happy that there was a happy ending thats all im going to say because i dont want to spoil anything but im glad that Drew and Kate were able to overcome there problems.

I give this book a thumbs up. Hopefully the last two books with Dee and  Matthew goes easier and the relationship isnt as frustrating but knowing Dee its not going to go easy.

 I am also very glad that we move on to Dee and Matthew in the next books because i have had enough bickering from Drew and Kate to last me a life time. :)

Tangled by Emma Chase

This book was hilarious. I love that it was told kind of like a story. I also love Drew and Kate.
This story is about a bachelor falling in love without really noticing until he screws something up, that is Drew.
Then there is the girl that is willing to serve his head on a platter and make him second guess everything about his life .. that is Kate.
This story was really good i enjoyed it a lot. Drew can be a tad slow sometimes when it comes to love, but so can Kate.
At times i just wanted to stick them in a room and lock the door until they dealt with their problems.
Drew learns something new which is to never assume  and that is really true because you never know what the person is talking about.
Over all this book was good and i give it a thumbs up and i would recommend it. Im on to the second book now which is Twisted by Emma Chase. I will be posting a review soon.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

Can i just say the feels.... oh my gosh. I cant even.. this book kind of shattered me, but it kind of put me back together again... if that makes any sense. 
Ridge is the most loyal person that i have ever read about. It is making me have really high expectations for guys out there... which probably is not good, but ...Ridge haha he is kind of imperfectly perfect.
Ridge and Sydney click so well and from the first moment i met both of the characters I knew I shipped them.  Do not get me wrong I liked when Maggie and Ridge were together, but Ridge and Sydney are amazing.
Warren is an awesome side character. Bridgette and Warren are complicated, but they work so well together and im happy with the outcome of there relationship.
Warren is secretly very caring and compassionate even if he does not like to show it much.
This book gave me so many different feels. It made me cry and laugh sometimes at the same time. I just finished this book and I had to write a review immediately. Colleen Hoover you are an amazing writer and i kind of love you right now ... youre one of my favorite authors and hopefully you write many more books.
I highly highly highly recommend this book and I give it a billion thumbs up. If you have never read Colleen Hoover you need to get on that right now... please. You are missing out.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Rumor Has It by Elisabeth Grace

Rating: Two Thumbs up!
The is the first book in the Limelight Series. It is about Ellie and Mason and they have to overcome their problems and family troubles. They have their ups and downs, but they tend to stick together.

Ellie has had troubles with her past relationship especially with media, she is not fond of the media, but when she meets Mason she has to try and deal with media and everything that happens around Mason.
They make the cutest couple, and they are kind of perfect for each other because they understand each other since they both have had complicated  relationships with their mothers.

Mason is the hip hop artist that does not act or dress like a hip hop artist, which is cool. He is really sweet and caring especially when he is with Ellie and his brother and sister and other things that happen in the book (hint hint).

I loved this book i have heard of the series, but i never got around to reading it and i am really happy that I had the chance to read this book, because i am going to read the rest of the series once i can get them.

I highly recommend it for anybody that loves a good love story and for anybody that loves celebrity stories :)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Alpha Divided Review

The Alpha Girl series by Aileen Erin is really good if you love werewolves, witches and vampires 2/3 of those most are not good. I just finished reading the third book in the series called Alpha Divided.

This book is about Dastien and Tessa and other characters, but mainly Dastien and Tessa that have to be seperated from their bond when she has to join her coven for a certain amount of time and while Tessa is in the coven she has to get to know the people and practice her magic, and boy does she get to know the people especially Luciana ... keep your eye out for her she never goes away even when she should get a hint. There is dark magic and love and a lot of hate that goes through this book, but it is well worth reading, now i may not have done the description justice so you can always go and look it up on goodreads to get the actual description, but it is really good, so i recommend it.

I kind of want a guy like Dastien, he is pretty amazing always being there for Tessa throughout all the books and he is .... kind of hot ( don't judge :P). He is very patient with Tessa too because it takes them a while to mate.

Tessa.... She loves to get herself into trouble; Life threatening trouble which most of the time is not good because I mean if I had a mate i would not want to risk my life for anything... Maybe that is a little selfish, speaking of selfish; Tessa is not selfish at all she always thinks of other people and does not want them to suffer consequences.

I think that besides Tessa and Dastien my other favorite couple would be Meredith and Donovan ( i hope this isnt a spoiler for anyone, im sorry if it is, but if your reading this then hopefully you've read the first  two books)

I give this book a thumbs up... two thumbs up even.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Ugly Love review

I give this book a huge thumbs up and would definitely recommend it. Colleen Hoover is really starting to become one of my favorite authors.
This book made me frustrated at certain times especially with Miles. I love Miles, he is great but he is really slow in the sharing and relationship department. This book made me cry when Miles tells Tate everything. Its a bittersweet moment because hes finally moving on and he going to finally be able to live his life happily.
Corbin is the kind of brother i would want. He is protective ... maybe a little over protective at time, but he sticks up for his sister against the creepy and disgusting Dillon.
I wanted to punch Dillon multiple times.
This book was written very well and i could not put the book down.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Captivated By You by Sylvia Day Review

I love the Cross series. I loved the book. I dont like Brett Kline. He needs to go and disappear without ever returning because he is selfish. Gideon, the lovely Gideon, he was perfect and i cannot wait for the next book to see what happens because it ended kind of with a cliff hanger; not a horrible one, but one all the same.  I love Gideon and Eva together. They compliment eachother and bring out the best and maybe sometimes the worst.in eachother. They are great together and i want to see babies in that family very soon, the next book maybe??

Gideons past ex's returning really suck because well its time to move one from Gideon once and for all.
Anne is the worst i think because she is out for vegence and it us not going to end well fot her because Gideon always protects whats is his. I love that.

I give this book a thumbs up. The story was good and it was not voring like some series can get and Gideon is still gorgeous haha.  I got through that book really fast and could not.put it down so until the next book comes out i will wait to see what happens between them because they need to be together and stay together through everything.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Scarlet Review

I finally was able to read. YAY! First of all let me just say that the step mother persists to be the most annoying person in the book, even if she was only in it for 2 pages.

At first I was annoyed that Cinder did not have her own second book and that it collided with Scarlets story, but in the end I was happy about it because they are going to help each other and without Scarlet there would not be another person that could help Cinder defeat Queen Levana.

Can I just point out that Queen Levana needs to disappear or die or maybe just go into space and never return. She is the worst ruler, I feel sorry for the Lunars on her planet. She is just crazy and deserves to be in a nut house.

Im still hoping for a match between Kai and Cinder.... please let it happen I ship them so badly. I think Kai still has hope that everything that transpired between him and Cinder was not fake, so that gives me hope.

Wolf is an interesting character. First I liked him, then I hated him and then I ended up liking him again, so you will just have to let me know how you feel about him.

I am excited to see what happens in Cress, but it might take me a while to get the review up again. One last final and then I am done and can read to my hearts content, which is going to be a lot.

I also give Scarlet a huge thumbs up and a big recommendation.
Leave a comment telling me what you thought? If you plan on reading it? If you've already read it?
Until the next review. Bye.