Sunday, December 7, 2014

Scarlet Review

I finally was able to read. YAY! First of all let me just say that the step mother persists to be the most annoying person in the book, even if she was only in it for 2 pages.

At first I was annoyed that Cinder did not have her own second book and that it collided with Scarlets story, but in the end I was happy about it because they are going to help each other and without Scarlet there would not be another person that could help Cinder defeat Queen Levana.

Can I just point out that Queen Levana needs to disappear or die or maybe just go into space and never return. She is the worst ruler, I feel sorry for the Lunars on her planet. She is just crazy and deserves to be in a nut house.

Im still hoping for a match between Kai and Cinder.... please let it happen I ship them so badly. I think Kai still has hope that everything that transpired between him and Cinder was not fake, so that gives me hope.

Wolf is an interesting character. First I liked him, then I hated him and then I ended up liking him again, so you will just have to let me know how you feel about him.

I am excited to see what happens in Cress, but it might take me a while to get the review up again. One last final and then I am done and can read to my hearts content, which is going to be a lot.

I also give Scarlet a huge thumbs up and a big recommendation.
Leave a comment telling me what you thought? If you plan on reading it? If you've already read it?
Until the next review. Bye.

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